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Updated 6 months ago

Anon posts

At a glance

Is the ability to post anonymously on the roadmap or is this behaviour discouraged / not best practice?

From an admin perspective, idm if from the public view they appear as anon (might give people more confidence to ask questions they might think are silly to ask), but from admin view I'd like to be able to see their email so we can reach out with more support if appropriate.

1 comment

This isn't possible at the moment.

Definitely keep an ear out if you receive any feedback from your community members if posting under their name is impacting their willingness to contribute.

There's also the option for someone to just sign up with their first name and omit their last name – or enter a pseudonym.

I think this is something we'd be open to supporting, but would probably need a clearer signal from different communities.

Ideally we want to avoid shipping too many settings in Hall and keep the product simple, but if it keeps coming up we'll definitely consider it.