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Updated 7 months ago

[bug] View comment link in email notifications don't work

At a glance

A community member received an email with a link that redirected to an domain, which then led to a white page that just hung. The community member was unsure if this was related to AWS or another company. Another community member responded that they had turned off the SES setting that replaced links in emails, so the links should no longer proxy through The original poster confirmed that the link in the latest notification email worked fine, but they were still unsure what caused the issue with the previous emails. The community members agreed to provide any additional data or context through their dedicated support channel.

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I received this email but when I click the link it takes me to and then just hangs on a white page.

I didn't recognise the domain so I started typing it into Safari and Siri suggested this to me. I'm not sure if it's related to AWS or another company. But it looks like the redirect URL working properly.

1 comment·2 replies

Yeah I noticed this too recently, I've turned off the SES setting that replaces the links in emails so links in new emails shouldn't proxy through anymore. (here's to confirming it with this notification)

Yep the link on the notification email for this one worked fine. It's pretty odd if the bug is in SES… I went back and checked links in old emails and those work now too. Very strange, either something was cooked with or something in my browser changed.

Thanks for the quick response.

No worries! Feel free to send us any extra data/context (that you might not want public) through your dedicated support channel