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Updated 6 months ago

Ability to search when scrolled down the page

At a glance

The community member expresses a frustration with the current user interface, where they have to scroll back up to the top of the page to search for existing posts when they have a new post idea, but then they lose their place on the current page. The community member suggests that having a search button in the sticky header would be an obvious solution, but is open to other ideas to solve this issue.

I find that when I'm scrolling through the posts I sometimes have a thought for new post I want to create, but then I don't want to create a new post if there's a post that already exists, so I actually first want to do a search. But with the current UI there's no one-click way to do that, I have to scroll back up to the top of the page to do the search, but then I've lost my place on the current page.

I've seen in other products they have a search button in the stick header and that seems like an obvious solution, but perhaps you have other ideas for how to solve it.

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