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Updated 7 months ago

Support Call outs in editor

At a glance

The community member who posted the original post would like to be able to use a "call out" feature to highlight important points when making a post or asking a question. One of the comments suggests that this could be helpful for announcement posts where the formatting needs to have more impact on the audience, but may not be as useful for "Share an idea" style spaces. The commenter mentions that these types of features are sometimes called "admonitions" and are popular in documentation tools. The original poster confirms that they were thinking more in terms of news or announcement posts.

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It would be nice to be able to use call out to highlight important points when making a post/question.

1 comment·1 reply

I could see this being helpful for announcement posts where you want to control the formatting to have more impact to the audience, but not so much for end users in a "Share an idea" style spaces. Is that what you had in mind?

These are sometimes called "admonitions" e.g. and are quite popular in documentation tools.

Yep, I was thinking more form News/Announcements