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I noticed most buttons have a hover state, but this one missed out πŸ₯Ί

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The little spinner is cute but it's off-centre and looks a bit wobbly. I tried to get a screen recording of it but it was too fast so I've just put in a screenshot instead.

I just created a post and then it says at the top that it's viewed 0 times which seems weird because I'm literally viewing the page, so maybe it should either just be omitted until there's at least a few views, or say "viewed 1 time".

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I noticed something a bit weird when searching for an answer. When I type a long search query and I get no results it says "Continue typing to find an answer from over …", but I feel like because my query is so long that typing more will get me less results, so it's strange for it to tell me to continue typing. Usually the more you type the smaller the result set, so when my results are empty I assume I've reached a dead end.

So at this point I can press the ↑ button and it takes me to basically the same page but with different text:

And then I need to click New post.

It's a bit of a paper cut but since it's in a core workflow.

It would be useful to be able to include a table when making a post. I have tried adding a table using markdown syntax but with no success.

For example:

| Month | Savings |

| -------- | ------- |

| January | $250 |

| February | $80 |

| March | $420 |

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It would be useful to see who reacted to a post to see who has common interests in particular topics. I'd expect to be able to hover on the reaction and see who reacted, e.g.

It might be because the items that I'm getting the notification for have been deleted.

I love the big green box to indicate which answer is accepted as the solution, but I find it a bit disorientating when there are two green boxes on the one screen, my mind jumps to thinking there are two answers, but they're actually the same thing. I think it might be better if only the top "shortcut" box was bright green, and then the "in context" box had a more subtle indicator instead.

Obviously when I read the content of the two messages and then compare the text I jump to the conclusion that they're the same message, but it would still be nice if the UI didn't give me the confusion in the first place.

I noticed on some pages this does work, but on the main list page it doesn't. It would be helpful to be able to hover the date text (e.g. "10 hours ago") and see the actual date.

There's some baked-in padding on @mentions that looks a bit funky when combined with a normal spacebar space:

It looks a bit funky, and I'm tempted to delete my white spaces but if I do that then the document semantically will be weird and probably render oddly if you save to HTML or Markdown.


Would be great to be able to set my brand's font 🀩


I find it a bit annoying to have to come up with a description for each space, it adds friction for the initial onboarding IMHO

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edit: I've edited this post to include a few different problems I found, hope that's okay!

I was searching to find one of my old posts, and I clicked on the result and the results disappeared but the page didn't navigate. I played around with it for a bit and thought it was related to clicking on the blank area (instead of the text), but after testing it some more it just seems like it's consistently broken now.

Here's what I mean:

When I click it the results disappear but the page doesn't navigate (I tested in Safari and Chrome).


There's another problem that if you click in the input while the search results are open, the results disappear and if you type more text the results don't show again until you click in the text box again, I did it when I was clicking to move my cursor in the text to change my query, and got very confused. It seems like it's implemented as "toggle on click" behaviour rather than whether the input is focused.


A similar issue happens when pressing space bar, but pressing any other key seems to pop the results again.


I think titles aren't being indexed, and it's only the content? When I search for Editor gap I don't get any results, even though you can see below that there's a post with that title. Perhaps you're only indexing the body of the post and not prepending the title to the document that's searched?

btw: if you're using postgres's ts_vector you can set different rankings based on the part of the document, so you can make the heading rank higher than the body (see with setweight(…, 'A')


Another issue is that in dark mode the hover styling for text in a result doesn't have very high contrast. The title text in particular looks very feint.


Sometimes the results just show an empty short box with nothing inside it, sometimes the box fills with results, sometimes it just hangs and doesn't update.

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Hi, I really like what you are doing in Hall, congrats! So as soon as I can, I will try to contribute to its improvement. :)

When you create a new space you can add a description. In my case it is important because the title of the space is very brief, but I miss that this description is visible to users, because they explain the short title of the space. I don't know if I'm missing something...

For example it could be shown as a title attribute of the link to the space in the sidebar, and below or next to the title in the central column when you enter the space so that it is visible once you are inside.

But are just my suggestions.

Keep it up.

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I'm using dark mode and I noticed that the gap cursor (the horizontal cursor) is black but the normal native cursor is white. You can get the gap cursor by inserting an image and then pressing down arrow a few times to move your cursor to the end of the document.

This little black line is the gap cursor.

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I think there might be an issue with the reaction button styling on dark mode. I found it confusing trying to understand if I've already reacted to a post or not

Here's what it looks like when I haven't reacted:

And here's what it looks like when I have reacted:

Compare that to Github, again first when I haven't reacted:

And when I have reacted:

Personally I find Github's styling much more obvious.

The mouse hover states in Hall are also a bit weird too.

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I uploaded a few images and only noticed later the Set description box in the bottom corner. At first I thought it was something in my screenshot, but then later I saw it was a button that I could click. Maybe if the button only showed while the image is being hovered it would be more obvious that it's not part of the image.

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Super minor nit-pick, but the padding on the emoji picker is pretty big compared to other dropdowns in the product:

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